Energize your Life
In today's 5 Minutes we hear from Chip Eichelberger, who graduated from the University of Oregon the College of Business Administration. He worked as a sales rep with Jantzen Sportswear, building territories in Spokane and Salt Lake City for four years. After two corporate buyouts that cut the sales force in half, he was let go.
The layoff was a career-changer as he moved on to work with world-renowned business leader Tony Robbins in San Diego. Chip proved himself, being the Sales Leader of the Year twice and mastering telemarketing and group presentation sales. He also hired, trained and led sales teams throughout the United States. As Robbins’ international point-man, he built the brand in Australia and the United Kingdom.
Chip Eichelberger's audio is live on the 5 Minutes for Me App!
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