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Nic Feteris Travels from Sydney, NSW

Nic Feteris


  • Achievements
  • Adventure Sport
  • Goal Setting
  • Motivational
  • Personal Development
  • Sport

Nic Feteris is best known for his record free-fall jump from the Great Trango Tower in Pakistan. His tailored presentations build a bridge between the worlds of business and adventure, drawing parallels between the planning, preparation and the teamwork necessary, as he masterfully relates his inspiring achievements to everything from corporate morale to sales targets.

Nic’s presentations are supported by fantastic video coverage. He combines a powerful speech with spectacular images, including the heart-stopping visual impact of his jump from Great Trango Tower. The immediate audience reaction is often stunned silence…followed by wild applause. His impact and the benefits if his message have long-term and inspiring effects. He speaks about leadership and change as well as personal leadership.

Picture yourself, thousands of feet up, toes hanging over the edge of a sheer vertical drop, ready to jump. Think of the largest challenge you have ever experienced in your entire life. Now quadruple it.

Now, jump.

Whatever you were thinking about one second ago has vanished. Suddenly all that exists is what you see before you, and a set of actions to make this jump both successful and safe. Now imagine Nic taking your audience on that jump. Preparing your team for its' own giant leap forward. Helping them to concentrate on their challenge ahead.

Nic speaks about climbing and jumping off mountains (or the Statue of Liberty...) in terms of the teamwork, planning, and solution selling that makes his adventures achievable. He does so while demonstrating the pioneering spirit, tenacity, and sheer determination that are very often necessary to transform our dreams, visions or ideas into reality. When Nic made his first pioneering jump from a mountain, El Capitan, at Yosemite National Park in California, he was alone, with no one to lead the way. He had never even heard of "base-jumping" back then, an adventure sport well established today.

He was pioneering too when he set a world-record for the highest base-jump, by parachuting from another very special and spectacular mountain, the 21,000-foot high Great Trango Tower in Pakistan. This time, however, it was a team effort. Nic successfully executed his documentary, with National Geographic Television distributing it to over 80 countries. He sold his film concept to corporate sponsors, who also profited from its success. Most of all, he realised his vision to portray a sport many regarded was for people with a "death wish", as an inspiring professional adventure.

The professional skills Nic drew upon to make that and other dreams come true were developed during a former career in media and advertising. He worked in magazine publishing for more than a decade, mostly with media specialising in information technology, in positions ranging from Sales Executive to Publisher. These days Nic runs Jump, his marketing and promotions business based in Sydney. As well as being the vehicle that promotes and coordinates Nic's adventures.

Finally, after inspiring his audience to take pioneering steps to the brink of their own precipice of outstanding personal achievement, Nic takes them right over the edge, with breathtaking film footage of his world-record jump. It is an unforgettable visual experience that will raise the eyebrows of your most "been there, done that" overachievers.

Whether your audience needs to jump into the record books, or step just outside their personal comfort zone, Nic leaves you with a fresh sense of courage and commitment to succeed.

Keynote Titles

  • Extending Your Boundaries
  • Making it Happen
  • Performance, Leadership and Change
  • Personal Leadership


We were all inspired by his courage and determination to succeed. His enthusiasm infiltrated the group and set a productive working environment for the weekend.

Macquarie Bank

The buzz around the office was amazing. The way in which he presented his story and related it to our business was superb.


Seldom have I seen an audience 'spellbound' even less so an audience of hard-nosed salespeople. It was an experience not to be missed.

Sandoz Australia


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