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Dr Anneline Padayachee Travels from Brisbane, QLD

Anneline Padayachee


  • Agriculture
  • Female Speaker
  • Food / Wine
  • Health
  • Lifestyle
  • Master Of Ceremonies
  • Mental Health
  • Motivational
  • Science
  • Sustainability
  • Wellbeing
  • Workshops

In 2023 Dr Anneline Padayachee was named one of Australia's Top 50 Female cutting edge scientists for her translation and communication capabilities by Cosmos (Australia's premier science magazine and news).

Renown for her easy communication style, translating the complex into relevant bite-sized chunks with the aim of making food relevant and nutrition meaningful, Dr Anneline is a highly sought after thought leader who has a reputation for mixing food and nutrition science, the functions of the human body, consumer behaviour and societal culture while forecasting future trends.

Dr. Anneline is on a mission to bust food and nutrition myths. To her, food is more than just filling bellies, and nutrition isn’t limited to weight loss or fitness trends. It’s about food security, sustainability, the economy, and national health. Nutrition fuels every cell in our bodies, shaping everything from DNA repair to disease outcomes. Anneline believes that knowing better means doing better—for researchers, farmers, the food industry, consumers, and policymakers alike.

With an Honours degree majoring in epidemiology and a PhD in nutritional food science, Anneline has practical experience bridging industry, research, and academia. She’s internationally recognised for her expertise in food processing, digestive health, and nutrition equality, and she translates science into actionable strategies for farmers, industry leaders, and consumers. Her accolades include being named a Future Food Leader by FIAL, Australia’s Best Performing Science Communicator, and one of the country’s Top 50 cutting-edge female scientists. Anneline is also a professional member of the Nutrition Society of Australia, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (AIFST), sits on the Australian Academy of Science’s National committees for Nutrition and Agriculture and Food, and is recognised as a Global Expert with the International Science Council.

Her personal journey of overcoming life-threatening health challenges cemented her belief in the power of food, nutrition, and farming to drive health outcomes. Today, Anneline is a sought-after speaker, consultant, and writer, passionately advocating for food’s role in better health and nutrition equality.

Anneline's expertise covers the following food related topics:

- Processing technology

- Nutrient and food composition

- Digestive processes, including the 2nd brain and the gut microbiome

- Food factors that affect growth and development, immunity and fertility

- Sustainable agricultural practices

- Food and pleasure

Nick-named "The Simple Scientist" by a journalist, Anneline's superpower is being able to communicate complex research with consumer behaviour and social trends into a simple relatable, engaging narrative.


It’s my pleasure to acknowledge Anneline for her “Defining Drinks in an Evolving World: Functional Thirst Quenchers” presentation to Australian Beverages Council members during our annual Drinks Industry Dialogue. Anneline’s candid style, real world focus, technical expertise and market understanding won over the packed house from the moment she began speaking. And to no surprise, she received the highest ratings of all our speakers at the event. So much so in fact, that bringing her back in the future is a “no-brainer.” So, if you get a chance to bring her into your organisation or conference, do it before someone else books her.

Australian Beverages Council

Thank you so much for your fabulous presentation at our conference yesterday. It was our pleasure to have you as part of our program! I was simply AMAZED at the seamless way your mixture of animations, diagrams and text creates an irresistible information flow. Watching your presentation is like watching the best one-person documentary on Food Science and Nutrition I have ever seen! TV or elsewhere! Your gift as a communicator is truly beyond compare.

Food Industries Association Of Queensland Inc.

I just want to say THANK YOU again for taking the time to speak with the Microba Team! Everyone gave me such wonderful feedback on your presentation and how fascinating your area of work and experience is!

Microba Gut Microbiome Tests


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Dr Anneline Padayachee


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