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Geoff Brailey Travels from Sydney, NSW

Geoff Brailey


  • Futurist
  • Globalisation / World Affairs
  • Leadership
  • Strategy and Planning

Geoff Brailey is a social researcher, and strategic advisor.  With graduate qualifications in leadership and extensive experience in managing people and culture studies, Geoff excels in understanding and communicating how organisations can effectively engage diverse and intergenerational teams.
From his experience in solving business problems using research, Geoff has assisted organisations to identify new target markets and improve engagement levels with staff, donors and customers. As Lead Solution Designer Geoff regularly develops strategic recommendations that guide CEOs, business leaders, and principals to communicate the trends and shape the culture.

Geoff integrates research statistics with visualised storytelling in his highly engaging presentations. He has presented to organisations across sectors including education, aged care, real estate, government and not-for-profit. As a gifted communicator and passionate researcher, his experience ranges from speaking to large audiences, board room briefings and executive-level strategic workshops. Geoff brings positivity, curiosity and strategic insights from the latest trends impacting Australia, and his presentations provide practical ways to respond to trends at an organisational and individual level.

Keynote Titles

  • Future proofing organisations through DESTEL strategic workshops
  • Recruiting, retaining and training diverse generations
  • Leading teams in changing times
  • Understanding and engaging with Generation Z
  • Using demographics and data to drive organisational outcomes
  • Mentoring and leading the next generation


The results that Geoff presented helped us to clearly identify the most important landscapes, and enabled the Sydney Water Executive to focus further effort on the important few that will drive future strategy.

Sydney Water

Geoff's presentation was fantastic! He has a great way in drawing the audience in with subtle messaging and exciting and funny insights. He was well received.

Sydney Hills Business Chamber

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